Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Friendship of Jesus

The good news is that God has reconciled us to himself through his Son our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. We who were once enemies are now called friends of God. Here is another selection from Thomas a Kempis’ book The Imitation of Christ,  “Of the Familiar Friendship of Jesus”
When our Lord Jesus is present, all things are pleasing, and nothing seems hard to do for His love. But when He is absent, all things done for His love are painful and hard. When Jesus speaks not to the soul, there is no steadfast consolation. But if He speaks only one word, the soul feels great inward comfort…. He who finds Jesus finds a treasure, better than all other treasures, and he who loses Him has lost more than all the world. He is most poor who lives without Jesus, and he is most rich who is with Him….Without a friend you cannot long endure, and if Jesus is not your friend before all others you will be very downcast and desolate, and will be left without perfect friendship. And so you do not act wisely if you trust or take joy in any other thing besides Him…. Jesus is alone to be loved for Himself, for He alone is proved good and faithful beyond all other friends.
What a friend we have in Jesus all our sin and grief to bear.
What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer.

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